Re: [orca-list] Evolution comments

Firstly on the wiki information, I would say certainly mark it as historic, there may be still be small bits of use (EG. on the evolution page it states what will help declutter the UI which may be helpful). If you are getting hints saying gnome projects should be cleaning out old information from their wikis then may be let stuff that is certainly all historic and of no current use go.

Now to evolution: I don't think I can create a good test case causing the crashes, it just seems to be extremely frequently and almost anything and everything can crash it. Probably the most extreme case is even within the warning message stating that evolution is not my current email client, would I like to make it the default, I got a crash just tabbing to the no button (getting a crash then determines that it was certainly the no button I was heading for). On a larger scale, I had probably in the region of ten or more (probbly more, certainly not less) crashes just simply removing an email account and adding a new account. These seemed to occur at about any stage and really I could not say there was anything consistent about what was going on which might have caused the crashes.

Is it still worth me submitting a bug report even though I cannot create a test case to reproduce the crash (about the only thing I could say is, try using evolution with orca running, you will probably get a crash within 120 seconds, probably much less). Also should this report go to evolution or orca, even if orca is doing something bad, I would imagine evolution should try and protect a bit better against bad accessibility calls, however I doubt its orca as I said even simple tasks like tabbing in a basic dialog (the default email client warning dialog) crashed evolution.

Michael Whapples
On -10/01/37 20:59, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey Michael, all.

On 11/19/2011 03:46 PM, Michael Whapples wrote:

First problem, evolution keeps crashing on me: I am not fully sure
what causes it but even just moving around the folder/account tree
view can crash it (not all the time but fairly frequently. Might
Orca be doing something here to cause such a crash?

Evolution off and on crashes on me even without Orca running. Although I
do have accessibility enabled all the time. Based on what you said and
what I've seen, I'm guessing something accessibility-related is making
Evolution unhappy. <frown>

The Orca wiki information on accessible applications seem to be
fairly dated (eg. it refers to firefox 3). The evolution page on the
Orca wiki said very little related to the issues I am having.

I'm quite tempted to remove -- or otherwise preface with a "historical
document" note -- much of that content. Thoughts? Objections??

Anything I can do to improve things?

As usual, full steps to reproduce a crash reliably along with a
debug.out and a bug report are always quite helpful.

Thanks in advance! Take care.

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