Re: [orca-list] Is anyone using Orca with Emacspeak? And does speech-dispatcher support hardware synths?

Thomas Ward <thomasward1978 gmail com> wrote:
Are you saying you got the Dectalk Express to work with a serial to
USB converter? 

Yes, this does work. However, you need a good serial to USB converter; some of
them, apparently, don't support all of the serial lines, e.g., hardware flow
control, which is a major problem if your device relies on it. I don't know
whether the DECTALK Express does, but it wouldn't surprise me if it used
hardware flow control. Some braille displays are known not to work, for
example, with low-quality USB to serial converters.

I have a converter here from Belkin that shows up as /dev/ttyUSB0 and it has
worked with every device that I have tried.

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