Re: [orca-list] Structural HTML navigation by lists


Marcus, sorri, I little lost the thread. :-):-)
How looks this submenus ydea final? All listed items with executed the Orca+Ctrl+Structural navigation letter keybinding is presented submenu items? For example, if I listing 1nd heading levels, I see all 1nd headings with a submenu? Or if I list all headings (for example Orca+Ctrl+h) I see all headings with a submenu? The all possible structural navigation element single listing possibility not will be resulting lot of reserved shortcuts? Why not better one shortcut and put a context menu with awailable all listing possible object with underlined mnemonic letter, similar with navigation bundle extension navigation menu in Firefox? What UI method more accepting the list persons now? Not matter if need the Orca+Ctrl+structural navigation letter combinations if more list persons would like this.
Can you possible attaching an example patch if have final choice the design?


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