[orca-list] Spell check highlight with orca

I have noticed that when using drivel for writing blog postings, it does not speak spelling errors like in thunderbird.

Here is an example when I am typing in drivel and press space after making a spelling mistake I only hear the word I typed (IE. it does not announce misspelled). If I do the same in thunderbird when writing a message, I hear misspelled as well.

What is different and how can I make orca announce misspelled in drivel as drivel does not have a spell checker where it presents you with a misspelled word and suggestions (eg. like openoffice does), but rather just relies on one using the highlighting. I know that drivel does use the correct misspelled highlighting for gnome as when I check the attributes of a character in a word I know I misspelled then orca will announce the spelling error.

Also I am open to other blogging clients if people can think of other ones which work better than drivel (eg. more features/better integration with blogger.com, and still work as well or better with orca).

Michael Whapples

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