Re: [orca-list] I would like your feedback regarding a Yelp 3 question


In GNOME 3.0 branch of Orca related:
If you looking Orca help for online documentation with the Firefox web browser, Orca says short descriptions when navigating section links with Tab and Shift+Tab key automaticaly, this is not only old gecko based Yelp version specific. The example link is following:
Happening this too with old gecko based Yelp version, so two application working this way with Orca related. I don't no what the better method choose, for example prewious I like this possibility for oldest Yelp version and Firefox, but Joanie absolute true if a translator only possible translating a desc field with longer text with he's own language, and if Orca always spokening the section title and section desc field with Tab and Shift+Tab key combination, this is resulting more chattiness message, hopefuly I write right this with english.

So, I absolute agree if more people not want hear short description fields with GNOME 3 freezed branch of Orca with Webkit gtk based Yelp version automaticaly by default. With master branch related, I think a suggested preference and a check box is very good ydea for Orca app-setting GUI dialog/yelp page if the user ask Orca application preference dialog for Yelp3 version. This situation need I think keeping this future checkbox default value with unchecked, if the conclusion is more users not want hear the short desc fields automaticaly, not happening disturb change when implemented this possibility. If anybody want hear the short desc fields automaticaly, after launched Yelp3, one time simple enough opening Orca application-specific preference dialog, go to the last tab and checking the future checkbox.


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