Re: [orca-list] I would like your feedback regarding a Yelp 3 question

On 04/05/2011 02:00 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:

The other option is to tweak what Orca does when you Tab amongst
sections in WebKitGtk when the first item is the link and everything
else in the section is not. And that's what I did.<smile>  As a result,

If I'm reading documentation, my assumption is that tab would be a navigation control, not that it would start reading. Therefore, if I wanted to read a given section, my expectation is that I'd tab/structural-nav to the section in question, then either read via arrows for close reading, or read with say-all for speed.

So it sounds like it's doing exactly what it should right now--at least, based on your description.

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