Re: [orca-list] latest orca-git can't find speechd-git

Are using startx to run Orca or are you using the gdm facility?

Also, be sure to log out and log back in again if you recently started
speech-dispatcher.  It sounds like it is working for normal user so
with startx, Orca should have found speech dispatcher.  Gdm can be

for added measure, check to be sure all .speech-dispatcher directories
are gone off your system; this got in my way several times while
testing all this stuff.

On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 05:49:59AM +0000, Joshua Lambert wrote:
I don't know whether this has to do with orca or speechd, but I am
using arch, have migrated to speech-git aur package which runs as a
system service.  spd-say works fine, but when orca starts it
defaults to gnome speech and speech-dispatcher doesn
't appear in the list of available speech services.  Both orca and
speechd are install under python2.7.  I have run env and see the
variables sourced in /etc/profile.d/  I have put a source
line to that file in /usr/bin/orca in the runorca function just
before the call to actually run orca and still no luck.  Any help
would be appreciated.

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