Re: [orca-list] Orca and underline in openoffice

Hi Paul.

However if you navigate via word (control + left and right) Orca is 
telling you about the underlined text.

The way that all works is as follows:

Due to OOo not giving us the appropriate text attributes changed
events*, the way we accomplish confirmations like "underline on" when
you press Ctrl+U is to report the state change of the associated toggle
button on the formatting toolbar. Our goal is to not present these
changes when you navigate in the text. To accomplish this goal, we have
a list of navigation keys in the OOo script and compare the key you
pressed with that list. For some silly reason, Left and Right were not
in that list. D'oh! They are now in that list. If you pull Orca from git
master, you should no longer see the odd behavior you describe here.

Whether or not, as a new -- but not currently implemented -- feature,
Orca should announce text attribute changes in a sort of proofreading
mode is another question entirely. Personally, I think it might be nice
to do that.

I have a problem with this however.  The message about the underlining 
being on or off is kicking in at the wrong time.

That would be something to bring up with the OOo developers. Like I
said, Orca should no longer be exhibiting this behavior. But all it was
doing is reporting what the state of the toggle button was. In other
words, if Orca said "Underline on," then the Underline button on the
Formatting tool bar is claiming to be on and, I'd suspect, visually
appears as such.

* Note that in a recent fix, the OOo guys added the appropriate text
attributes changed events. So hopefully we'll be able to deal with this
entire situation more effectively.

Hope this helps. Thanks for the report!

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