Re: [orca-list] Calling all braille users. I need your opinions.

Hey Halim.

On these suggestions:

1. currently used focus tracking mode is in my opinion not well usable
for brailledisplays.

I see your point. And I see the bug you mentioned. Doing something in
this area is going to take some thought and planning. Doesn't mean it
won't get done; just that it won't likely get done soon because it would
(I think) involve some major changes to Orca's internals. But I'll be
mulling it over as I work on other things and will hopefully figure out
a workable solution.

On these two items:

2. In fokus tracking mode the brailledisplay should use more symbols for
some controls like sliders, spinbuttons etc.
Orca does this allready for checkboxes or radiobuttons.

3. Line up/down on the brailledisplay switches orca in flatreview.
So it would be nice if we can add more object seperators between
 * buttons
 * Pagetabs

Currently orca seperates these only by adding a single blank.
The user must gues where a button starts and ends :-(.

Yeah, I agree. It would be helpful to have a specification on exactly
what all the symbols and separators should be.

Take care.

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