Re: [orca-list] date and time keybindings

I have to say I am against this as an idea. I have a few reasons:

* That key binding isn't great for convenience, the orca+t suggestions seem better in that respect. * The f12 suggestion has little in value for the argument of being like other screen readers eg. window-eyes doesn't do that so you are only making it easy for a certain group to come to orca. Should we really prefer cloning one other screen reader over another? * Should orca really have a time/date feature by default? I really don't see this as a screen reader feature. I generally just have a watch or clock next to the computer and normally just use that.

Now for a few questions regarding the feature itself. Should it be two separate features for time and date or should they be combined? Is there one preferred over the other, eg. as I tend to have a watch or clock to hand when at the computer I have time very easy but date is not so convenient, although do we tend to remember the day we are in a bit better (date has that habbit of changing less frequently)?

Michael Whapples
On 01/-10/-28163 08:59 PM, Jon wrote:

Just a quick vote again.

Would people mind if orca+f12 was bound to present time, and orca+f12
double click to present the date?

This would be the default keybinding from other screenreaders, so prefered
for cross screenreader consistancy.

This would currently clash with the firefox binding for "switch between
orca and gecko caret navigation" in Firefox, (Thanks Attila for pointing
this out), would people mind if the switching was done with a diffrent
keybinding, and if so is there a prefered choice?

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