[orca-list] A problem with gnome-calculator

Dear List,

I see an interesting problem with gnome-calculator application.
When I launch gcalctool application in terminal with gcalctool command and do mathematic operations, Orca correct spokening the operation result if I press for example the Enter key. But, if I using gnome-calculator command (this is a default simlink to calctool application), and do equals steps, I not hear the result when I pressing enter key.
Why happening this problem?
If anybody would like confirming this problem, do following steps:
1. Launch gcalctool with gnome-terminal, and write for example 2+2, and press enter key.
If you hear right the result, gcalctool working right.

2. Repeat the prewious steps in gnome-terminal with gnome-calculator command. If you don't hear the mathematic operation result after you pressing enter key, the problem is present.

If anybody confirming this problem, I opening a bugreport if this problem prewious not reported.

Possible Orca wrong detect the application if I using gnome-calculator default system simlink to executing GNOME Calculator?


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