Re: [orca-list] voxin with orca

Hello Andrea and list,

This isn't really an answer to your question, but telling you of my
experience might help.  

On the Oralux web site, at

is a script which installs emacspeak and voxin on a lucid system.  I
found it worked very well.  I used it because I use emacspeak as my
main workhorse, but the script also installed voxin for orca to use.
The speech system, in the orca speech preferences, was set to
emacspeak speech services, rather than speech-dispatcher.  

My other observation is that I have found the people at oralux very
responsive and helpful, if you send them a message.

Good luck,


andrea andrearoveretto it writes:
Hello and thanks for the help!
Infact the line was commented, but when I removed the # sign nothing 
I have restarted the computer to be sure, double-checked the #  sign was 
not there again, and nothing was different than before.

Since I saw a log dir in the .speech-dispatcher I checked there, there is a 
ibmtts.log but as all the other its empty...

thanks for any help!

----- Original Message -----
From: jose vilmar estacio de souza <vilmar informal com br>
To: Andrea Roveretto <andrea andrearoveretto it>
Cc: orca-list gnome org
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 2010 23:06:52 -0300
Subject: Re: [orca-list] voxin with orca

Edit ~/.speech-dispatcher/conf/speechd.conf and look for a line with the 
following content:
AddModule "ibmtts"       "sd_ibmtts"    "ibmtts.conf"
Probably the line is commented, with a # sign in front it.
Remove the # sign, save the file and restart speech-dispatcher.
To restart you can try killall speech-dispatcher.

Should work.
On 06/07/2010 06:10 PM, Andrea Roveretto wrote:
I am trying to use  the voxin sinthesizer I acquired from oralux with
orca on a ubuntu 10.4 distribution.

I installed it following the directions, meaning I typed
sudo ./ and everything seemed ok.
but when i go to the orca preferences I don't see any changes in the
voices I can select.
Thanks alot for any help or pinter.

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