Re: [orca-list] Orca becomes unresponsive periodically on Linux Mint 9

Here's a script I use to debug these kinds of things. It writes load av,
temp (I had a heat issue once), and top consumer of CPU to a file:

This is intended to run as root.


#/begin script
#First we remove our old log, lest it grow too much
rm -f /var/log/sysdata
#Tracking load averages, temps, and perhaps top consumers
while true; do
LOAD=$(cat /proc/loadavg |cut -b 1-5)
CPU0=$(cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM0/temperature |cut -b 25-27)
CPU1=$(cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM1/temperature |cut -b 25-27)
#Sort pids to greatest consumer
for APP in $(ps -e --sort %cpu |cut -b 17-); do
        echo $APP >/dev/null
#Construct our display/log string
#Display it
echo $LOG
#Also display time and date
#echo $(date '+%T %A %e %B %G')
#Log it
echo $LOG >>/var/log/sysdata
echo $(date '+%T %A %e %B %G') >>/var/log/sysdata
echo >>/var/log/sysdata
sleep 5; done
#/end script

Trevor Saunders writes:

Do I understand correctly that if you let orca sit it will become
responsive again?  Say if you use orca for 10 minutes then when it
becomes unresponsive walk away for a while and come back is it still
hung or is it still stuck?  The first thing I'd check is is what is the
processor doing is it maxed out on something?  I'd suggest running
uptime and ps -e -o %cpu,cmd | sort -n to see what is running.  You
probably want to run these piping the output to a file just after orca
becomes unresponsive, then restart orca and read them.  uptime just
tells you the total usage of the cpu and the second should give you a
list of processes sorted by the amount of cpu time they're taking.  I
find this problem interesting, but don't have any immediate ideas.
You may also learn something interesting by doing ps -e -o %mem,cmd |
sort -n to see what processes are using memory.

On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 01:51:52PM -0400, Kyle wrote:
Anyone know what might be happening here? I'm trying out Linux Mint
9 and am just about ready to switch back to Ubuntu. I got Orca
installed and running here, but every 5 to 10 minutes, it becomes
almost completely unresponsive for about 3 to 5 minutes. So far, the
only thing I've been able to do is to restart Orca 10 times or more.
Eventualy, this seems to cause the unresponsiveness to go away more
quickly than just letting it run. It then works for another 5 to 10
minutes, at which point it hangs and the cycle starts over.

Someone told me that Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu and is easier to
use, so I thought I'd give it a try. Being based on Ubuntu, I didn't
think I'd have problems with Orca any more than on Ubuntu. Is there
anything installed on a vanilla Mint system that could cause this
problem? I seem to notice it most while Pidgin is running, but
Pidgin in combination with Orca never gave me a bit of trouble on
Ubuntu, all the way up through Maverick alpha2.

I kinda feel like I'm distro hopping just a little, but I do like to
try different things and report bugs and request improvements so
that I can make the OS even more usable for everyone. Since I'm not
really that much of a programmer, it's basically my way of
contributing to the community. Thanks for any help anyone can give

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Janina Sajka,   Phone:  +1.443.300.2200
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