[orca-list] Orca becomes unresponsive periodically on Linux Mint 9

Anyone know what might be happening here? I'm trying out Linux Mint 9 and am just about ready to switch back to Ubuntu. I got Orca installed and running here, but every 5 to 10 minutes, it becomes almost completely unresponsive for about 3 to 5 minutes. So far, the only thing I've been able to do is to restart Orca 10 times or more. Eventualy, this seems to cause the unresponsiveness to go away more quickly than just letting it run. It then works for another 5 to 10 minutes, at which point it hangs and the cycle starts over.

Someone told me that Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu and is easier to use, so I thought I'd give it a try. Being based on Ubuntu, I didn't think I'd have problems with Orca any more than on Ubuntu. Is there anything installed on a vanilla Mint system that could cause this problem? I seem to notice it most while Pidgin is running, but Pidgin in combination with Orca never gave me a bit of trouble on Ubuntu, all the way up through Maverick alpha2.

I kinda feel like I'm distro hopping just a little, but I do like to try different things and report bugs and request improvements so that I can make the OS even more usable for everyone. Since I'm not really that much of a programmer, it's basically my way of contributing to the community. Thanks for any help anyone can give me.


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