Re: [orca-list] Next biggest Firefox problem?


sorry about the delay.
how much of this has been accepted upstream?

I'm pretty happy with Firefox now on my machine.  I ran the JAWs demo
for 40 minutes yesterday, and the most glaring difference to me was
how snappy JAWs was.  However, I can see the caret in Firefox, and I
can tell you JAWs often had no clue where it was!  I think both of
these differences are mostly due to JAWs running in a "virtual

yes, from what I've seen jaws is pretty broken with firefox, and really wants IE :(
nvda supports firefox very well, and is probably worth looking at.

So, I would like to get the Vinux Firefox team looking into speeding
up access to Firefox.  I don't know where the bottlenecks are now, but
it's hard to believe that on a 2 gigahertz machine that reading some
text and links could have perceptible delay, unless there are some
nasty N-squared loops or poorly chosen sleep and buffer delays.  I
suspect some of this is already somewhat understood, so if you have
any advice for where to start, let me know.

not really,  apply the profiler?  It may be in ipc too.


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