Re: [orca-list] Lets try to make all, what is possible to make Orca functioning with latest stable XFCE desktop environment

Firstly I wasn't questioning whether you should be using XFCE or not, I was asking that you look at the thread on LXDE and orca as it might contain some useful information about how to get GTK_MODULES set in the X start up process. While Klaus may be doing some extra work in custom scripts used in knoppix, others here have been trying to get LXDE to work on other systems. If you are the first person to do something then you have to look at other information and see how that might apply to what you are doing.

In summary there are xinitrc and xsession files used for the start up of X sessions, I believe if you export GTK_MODULES="gail:atk-bridge" in one of those you will at least have that bit sorted. Also, may be those scripts would be a place to start at-spi, but I don't know there, you really need to ask someone with better knowledge on what at-spi requires to run.

Another place this sort of stuff could be done is in any start up scripts for XFCE (I understand LXDE does have start up scripts, so XFCE might).

Also as a side note, I wouldn't even recommend a home user work as root. I would classify myself as someone with a fairly good idea of what I am doing but I still use a user account for everyday tasks. There's a few reasons for this, protects the system better against any dangerous software (should you come across any) and protects your computer against any silly mistake you might make.

Michael Whapples

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