Re: [orca-list] Lets try to make all, what is possible to make Orca functioning with latest stable XFCE desktop environment

Dear syr,

MR Klaus Knopper have made complex programmers changes, he must set some variables to enable Orca to work with LXDE, he must created special script for starting Orca with LXDE. But LXDE is slover than XFCE, probably core developers of XFCE are using better programmers algorithms, because not every application, which has been completely written by using C programming language must be very fast. The state art of programmers work will be The most important aspect of optimal performance of every application.

Why i would like to use Xfce with Orca?

Because XFCE is really faster than LXDE and i do not think, that it is wrong to enable visually impaired users of Linux to use so many GTK based desktop environments with Orca or other at-spi compatible assistive technology as possible.

I will try to do it myself, it is fortunately not illegal to try to think about new approaches. I discussed my pleasment with developers of XFCE, but when i tried to create The gtkrc-2.0 file, it never helped me.

I tried it with Mandriva One with XFCE, and i AM sure, that i created good gtkrc-2.0 file. I will try to study programmers documentation for XFCE and i will try to analyse the XFCE source code, it will not be easy for me, because it is really programmed in C programming language, but if somebody want to make somethink new, it will always require deep thinkink. And why I AM using PCLINUXOSS?

1. Not only visually impaired user is having full freedom to login to Gnome as a root user 2. Applications which are executed as a root user will be accessible, i AM using PCLINUXOSS as a root user and eventhough many of thus will probably think about me, that i AM crazy, i really do not think, that The Internet is full of specialized viruses, which will attack every computer, which is connected to The internet and if no WEB browser or E-mail client is being active.

3. PCLINUXOSS is packaged with Adobe flash player
4. The gecko-media-player plugin is integrated very good with Mozilla Firefox if user will install gecko-media-player with The Synaptic package manager.

Even Mandriva One is not able to provide this ammazing automatic integration even after performing installation of this plugin.

5. PCLINUXOSS is coming bundled with all modules for playing DVDS, and Gnome-mplayer can be used for playing DVDS without need to download some codecs from The Internet.

6. PCLINUXOSS can be safely installed even from Windows operating system to The USB flash drive and even persistent mode is awailable.

So i think, that this operating system is really not bad distribution, there are only some complex programmers issues. And i have forgot, that there is professional PCLINUXOSS magazine, which can be read free of charge on The Internet, online or by downloading The magazine in The .pdf format.

And Openoffice oRG 3.1.1 can be downloaded and installed without need to install openoffice-gnome support separately, professional script will download The latest version of Openoffice with Gnome for You.

PCLINUXOSS is i think one of The good Linux distribution, which is enabling visually impaired and other users, who are dependent on at-spi compatible assistive technology to work with The operating system, which can enable users to work with their computers in The multimedia world.

This is my personal opinion and ofcourse, every body on this mailing list have full free dom and full right to disagree with me. I AM also very well aware, that there are some issues related to Orca and Brltty support, and that it is not always possible to use operating system as a root user, in The companyes, which are require high security standarts. But i think, that this distribution would be good for users, who would use their computers at home, for users, who would like to listen Internet radio stations, live TV on The Internet, for users, who would want to watch various films stored on DVDS.

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