Re: [orca-list] An Open Letter to Oracle on the Topic Of Accessibility

Talking of funding, I seem to have a memory of seeing a news item about Mozilla putting funding into gnome for accessibility work in 2010 (it was on the freebsd website where I spotted this headline, sorry I don't have the link to hand). What might this funding help happen?

Possibly more generally, is there somewhere to find out about what funds are being used for in gnome? I probably should have a look on the gnome website, its just such a big site you don't always know where to start, I am asking more whether anyone knows if such a page exists before looking.

Michael Whapples
On 02/23/2010 10:59 PM, Willie Walker wrote:
If there are funds available, I believe a simple way to help out greatly
here would be to channel those funds towards the GNOME Foundation and
have them marked specifically for GNOME Accessibility and/or Orca.  We
can then use them to fund qualified individuals.  There is already a
working model in place for this, so it's readily achievable.  Joanie's
quality work on WebKit accessibility, for example, was funded this way.


On Wed, 2010-02-24 at 03:08 +0530, hackingKK wrote:
On Wednesday 24 February 2010 02:11 AM, Michael Whapples wrote:

how can oracle change to adjust such a view (I publically invite
oracle to contact me to discuss this in more detail if they feel they
want to).

Me too.  I can give a lot of aspects to continuing the support for Orca.
I have been working in this field for quite some time so Orca people are
invited to contact me for getting a real feel of what could positively
happen if they do re-think.
Happy hacking.

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