[orca-list] Is there a way to stop orca using emacspeak speech servers

The subject says it all really, is there a way I can tell orca to not use emacspeak speech servers at all?

Let me explain the problem in a bit more detail. I have orca configured to use gnome-speech but I have emacspeak install to use in a text console. Whenever I open the orca preferences, I seem to get something being sent over the serial port (I think it is something intended for a dectalk). The problem is that I have an apollo speech synthesiser I use with speakup. Now when this stuff is sent over the serial port when I open the orca preferences it stops my speakup working until I unload and reload the speakup modules. So I need some way to stop orca getting emacspeak speech server sending this data.

I personally think orca shouldn't get the emacspeak speech servers to do anything until it is selected in the speech tab.

Possibly a quicker fix, is there a way I can tell orca simply "I will never use emacspeak speech server"?

Michael Whapples

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