[orca-list] another Firefox 3.6 issue

Hi all
I'm trying Firefox 3.6.2 with the latest Orca git. While the option to
stop grabbing focus does seem to work and resolves the navigation issue,
I'm noticing a more interesting problem. If I open another page either
by clicking on a link or entering an address in the location bar,
sometimes Orca does not register that the page is different. The new
page will be loaded, the title bar and flat review will reflect this,
but Orca's caret navigation and structural navigation will still be on
the previous page instead. Tabbing will properly identify the links but
as soon as you arrow down past where you've tabbed to, you're back to
the previous page again as far as Orca is concerned. Note though that
Firefox is not changing pages, only Orca is getting confused. It seems
somewhat random when it will happen.

Can anyone else confirm this? I've half a mind to write to Mozilla and
ask them in no uncertain terms just what the heck they've done to Gecko.

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