I made a bug report of this and my patch which seems to fix it for me.
See http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=609633.
Michael Whapples
On 02/10/2010 04:35 PM, Michael Whapples wrote:
I have managed it using orca 2.28.3 and a fairly recent git version (I
cloned the git repository yesterday).
>From what I could find in the debug files it is to do with the event
source becoming invalid in some way and so not working properly with
pyatspi. I don't know if it could be affected by the speed of various
computers (on a slower one could the actual object disappear before
orca processes it fully).
Also I have to say it is one of those problems I only see sometimes
(most times but not always).
Michael Whapples
On 02/10/2010 04:27 PM, jose vilmar estacio de souza wrote:
Which version of orca?
I tried with version 2.28.1 and the last version from git.
No way to reproduce.
On 02/10/2010 02:06 PM, Michael Whapples wrote:
I have been doing a bit of debugging with orca to try and track down
what was going on. Now the problem seems to be that sometimes when the
window:deactivated event is processed there is a problem in orca
getting the state of the event source. The trace back seems to show the
exception comes from pyatspi. Now I don't know if the issue is really
in pyatspi or orca (I think I have found a work around in orca but
couldn't say what the wider implication of my change may end up being,
orca developers feedback please).
I have attached a patch for this, would this be better moved to a bug
Michael Whapples
On 02/09/2010 03:57 PM, jose vilmar estacio de souza wrote:
Hi michael,
Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I can not reproduce.
I tried to run from a terminal session and from the run dialog.
No locks.
On 02/09/2010 12:41 PM, Michael Whapples wrote:
I have been creating some very simple silly apps for learning about the
accessibility stuff in gnome and scripting for orca. Now one of these
has revealed a possible bug in orca. It appears that if you exit an
application while in flat review orca may get stuck (I have a memory of
something similar some time ago, I think it may have been in
thunderbird, may be gnome-terminal as well).
How to reproduce:
1. Start the python script (attached)
2. Use flat review to view the label
3. press alt+f4 to exit
Expected, orca will speak the window which gains focus
actual: orca gets stuck and freezes the desktop unless you use the
mouse to select something or restart orca (may need switching to a text
Michael Whapples
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