Re: [orca-list] Off-Screen-Model Suggestions

On Sunday 04 April 2010 12:50 PM, Jason White wrote:
Steve Holmes<steve holmes88 gmail com>  wrote:
I think what is being referred to here may be the flat review where
the contents isn't being updated when the actual content is changing.
If that is indeed the issue, then it wouldn't be helped by an off-screen model
- it's a limitation of flat review.

I am sure there are people who will argue for an off-screen model to deal with
applications that don't implement the Gnome accessibility API, or which do so
only inadequately; but those suggestions tend to come from people who aren't
proposing to design and write the code.

+ 1
and by the way the disadvantages of the off-screen approach overpower the advantages. Keep in mind that the openness of code and freedom to modify the same is not available on proprietory OS and related software. So for example if a certain app is not properly implementing the gnome accessibility, then we can talk to those people or even contribute patch for the known bug. So actually there is no point in considering the case of inaccessible apps, they can be made accessible through discussion, communication and source code modification.

Happy hacking.

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