Re: [orca-list] Help write Orca docs

Hi All:

All the comments received so far are fantastic. Please keep them coming. From there, we can create an idea of where we want the documentation to live as well as create an outline.

Right now, I'm thinking the following:

Location of the document: We should pull the Orca section out of the GNOME Accessibility Guide at and make it a separate document. This document is not only available on the web, but it is what is shipped with GNOME for the online help and it is also available for download. Furthermore, the stuff is set up more easily for translation to other locales than the WIKI.

Content of the document: a lot of this content exists, but we need to make it easy for people to get quickly started with keyboard navigation for GNOME and what to expect when you launch Orca. We need some discussion of setting up sounds for the login screen, enabling Orca at the login screen, enabling sounds for when you log in, and automatically launching Orca when you log in. Setting up braille (BrlTTY) and contracted braille (liblouis) will also be useful. We can also work on including tutorials for specific applications. In the appendices, we could include sections on "Orca for Windows Users" and "Orca for Mac OS X Users".


On Sep 21, 2009, at 12:43 PM, Willie Walker wrote:

Hi All:

I need some help with documentation.

Each new Orca user usually ends up asking similar questions, some of them more general to GNOME (e.g., "what e-mail clients work", "how do I switch between windows using the keyboard") and others more specific to Orca (e.g., "What is the keyboard command for x").

What I'm looking for is adjusting the documentation to help the brand new user quickly get up and running with GNOME and Orca. Right now, some users come into Orca with the preconceived notion that Orca is JAWS for GNOME. This flawed assumption immediately builds a foundation for failure.

So, I want help. Recalling from your experiences with getting started with Orca, I'm curious about:

1) Where did you expect to find documentation (e.g., somewhere on the web, built in to the desktop, etc.)?

2) What is missing from the documentation or difficult to find that would have made it a lot easier to get started with Orca and GNOME?

3) What stuff in the documentation is misleading or confusing?

4) Can you help write the docs? I'm looking for one or two good writers than can donate some time to the project.

An example of success from this documentation effort would be enabling a user on Windows to migrate quickly to the GNOME platform with Orca.

Please help.  :-)

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