Re: [orca-list] trouble with orca on opensuse 11.1

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 11:10:56AM -0500, Jacob Schmude wrote:
Hi Everyone
I've run into an interesting issue with orca on Opensuse 11.1. If I load up 
an application that is based on a toolkit that requires scripts (e.g. 
Openoffice, Firefox, etc) Orca stops speaking for that application. Nothing 
reads at all, no menu bar, no main window, no flat review. The only thing 
orca will tell me is the window title, so I know the application itself has 
loaded. Other applications such as pidgin which is scripted but doesn't use 
a different toolkit are fine. I can access the app-specific preferences 
with orca+ctrl+space, which leads me to believe the scripts are loading. 
Also, when quitting or closing one of these problem applications, orca 
seems to have a 50/50 chance of freezing up.
I've tried both with the 2.24 version of orca that comes with opensuse and 
using the 2.25.4 version in factory with the same results. Anyone know 
what's going on here? Is this an orca problem or is something else going on 
with my opensuse installation?

Hi Jacob,

Your problem is due to the fast that openSUSE 11.1 included some
GNOME-related changes that created accessibility problems.  You
will be interested in this thread:

Specifically this:

"there was a change in Gtk+ and gnome-settings-daemon that
affected the accessibility of non-Gtk+ apps that use Gtk+.  So that
includes at least Open Office, Firefox, and Mono Windows Forms"

I did say "hopefully be a matter of a few days at most," but I
underestimated the time it takes to get updates through to the
proper channels and out to users :(  Even with the patches that my
team has been working on, applications (like Open Office and
FireFox), will need to implement some changes on their end.  I
believe FireFox has already done this in their latest code.  But
again, how long this will all take to get to the end user, I don't

Unfortunately, I would recommend to anyone needing accessibility
tools to use openSUSE 11.0 for now, and to not upgrade to a distro
that uses GNOME 2.24 until verifying that there is a fix for your


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