Re: [orca-list] Vinux 1.3 Released!

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 05:02:53PM -0500, Bob Tinney wrote:
Hi Anthony and everyone

I recognize that there are many approaches to solving a problem.  We'll have 
to agree to disagree on this one. When a group becomes a large enough market 
to warrant special attention, the mainstream will recognize them.  In the 
case of PDAs and cell phones, the m. sites were developed for smaller 
screens.  These same m. sites work pretty well with screen readers.  This is 
particularly true with a site llike facebook.

I still believe that the best way forward is to try to influence mainstream 
software rather then segrigating ourselves.

Tell me then who forbid mainstream distros to do their best to add the 
features proposed by Vinux ?
IMHO as long as mainstrem distro accessibility teams refuse to see they are
restricting blind people's accessibility, then any alternate have a good
reason to exist, including Adriane and Vinux.

BTW, and this is a main advantage of those remastered distros, they do
publish much more and faster new releases with bug fixes than a mainstream
distro can and will do.

Finally, I can understand criticisms but not when it comes from people who
are telling the other what to do and what not while they do continue to use
the F.... Microsoft operating system, that may IMHO also be a poinht of
discussion, why does some users criticate distros like Adriane/Vinux while
they do continue to fake they are Gnu/Linux and opensource addicted ?



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