Re: [orca-list] Activating AT-SPI with a command?

Am I wrong, or are you saying that Orca can be used with LXDE? Not sure the gconftool command will affect LXDE or not. In any case, if Orca can work with LXDE, how is this done? I've attempted to get this working but so far no luck, there's just no response from Orca in LXDE for me though it does run. I can use most of LXDE's individual components under GNOME though, such as leafpad and lxterminal (though lxterminal would need a bit of scripting), but how do you get the base LXDE to present itself to Orca?

On Feb 9, 2009, at 9:20 AM, Hermann wrote:

I tried to activate the accessibility mechanism in the latest Knoppix CD,
in order to use the built in Orca.
Orca just starts with the welcom message and then exits.
I remember that there's a command to activate AT-SPI, but I forgot its
precise form.
Any hints?
If you want to try the latest Knoppix including its accessible desktop
environment Adriane go to:
Note: Adriane is text based and uses SBL. In order to start the "regular"
Knoppix version enter at first stop:
It then starts with 4 text terminals and the GUI LXDE.

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The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair.
        --Douglas Adams

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