Re: [orca-list] double keystroke in orca prefs dialog

Hi Will
Gotcha. I can't honestly say I can think of any better ones, except perhaps limiting the various mnemonics to a set of controls rather than having a unique one for each. I.e. have one that will take you to the punctuation radio buttons, from there you just arrow to set them. This would cut down on the number of mnemonics needed. Not saying the current approach bothers me, it doesn't, I was curious about it. It's just a thought.

On Feb 6, 2009, at 14:06, Willie Walker wrote:

Hi Jacob:

It's not intentional, but it is difficult to come up with unique mnemonics because are a lot of controls in the interface. The fallback solution provided by GTK+ when there are multiple mnemonics with the same letter on a page is to shift focus between the objects rather than activate the object.

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