[orca-list] Resp.: Ubuntu installer fixed?

I installed ubuntu 8.04 with almost no problems. First of all I
selected the language, my native lang was a right arrow and nine down
arrows, then I pressed enter. After this, I pressed quickly the down
arrow and the f5 key. Then I pressed the number 3, then two enter and
the installer started to talk some time latter.

2008/5/14, Hermann <meinelisten onlinehome de>:
Daniel Dalton wrote:
On Tue, 13 May 2008, Cody Hurst wrote:

Hi list,

   So I've heard that someone, I think Luke, got the installer to talk
in Ubuhtu 8.04. I'd be interested to know what the issue exactly was,
and if the fix is something I can do now, or if it something in a new
ISO from the site.

It worked for me. You just start the installer and load your accessibility
profile from the boot screen and it will come up with the talking
Not sure what he did, but if you just download the latest hardy iso from
It will work.
Think its more complicated than just hacking an old iso.

I just want to add one comment, that's only partially related to this:
The accessible installer on the alternate CD has gone. Just tested it
yesterday, and had to realize, that I cannot do an install with the
braille display anymore. Very annoying, since the accessible installer
from the live CD does not work on both of my machines.
So the only way is via upgrade/dist-upgrade.
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