Re: [orca-list] orca and Hardy - no speech - ibmTTS dependancy

Hi Rich:

I'm not remembering 100% of the picture right now (I'm tired), so I might be missing a simple app that you can run to test the infrastructure. If you build the at-spi stuff from trunk, though, the 'test' subdirectory has some test applications in it. The 'at' test starts off by listing the known applications -- you could run that, see what the output is, and then Ctrl+C to kill it.

Rich Caloggero wrote:
Yes, to confirm, orca is not doing anything when started. Sighted person says that from the terminal its not producing any output, just hanging till killed.

OK.  Bummer.  Very frustrating.  :-(

Also, test-speech does give me output with various sythesizers including IBMTTS which was set as my default in 7.10. I did remove ~/.orca hoping that it if wasn't able to load IBMTTS then it would fall back to espeak, but this didn't solve anything either.

Anything else I should try?

If test-speech is working, then it almost rules gnome-speech issues out as a possibility. I wouldn't be 100% confident, but pretty close.

I downloaded the most recent version via svn update from the the sources I had and built it:
./ --prefix=/usr
sudo make install

Ahhh...the latest Orca requires the latest infrastructure. But, you also need to remember you're working on the edge when you grab the latest stuff. So, you might get burned. Just a note of warning since some people get lulled into a false sense of security sometimes.

Maybe I have to go back and download and build atspi, gale, and atk? I dunno.

These would be good to build/install. When building at-spi, remember to pass --libexecdir as appropriate to Otherwise, you could screw things up.


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