Re: [orca-list] sudo apt-get install ...anything... returns enable to resolve host

On Wed, 30 Apr 2008, Richard Wells wrote:

Thisworked after freshly installing ubuntu 8.04 but I cannot install
any new packages because of the error shown in the subject line of this
message. I know this doesn't pertain to this list discussion, but could

Does aptitude work?
what does
ping <an_ip_or_a_domain>
Do you have a network connection?

What does:
$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
How about an apt-get update and then a retry? What happens?

to get through apt-get is something that will play .mp3 files. Any
recommendations will be much appreciated.

Cmd based, I and most people use mplayer.
Gui, I would say rythmbox.

Daniel Dalton
<d dalton iinet net au>

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