Re: [orca-list] Many Ideas, Issues and Qs: Newb, Very Long

On Thu, 1 May 2008, Veli-Pekka Tätilä wrote:

q4. I'm not a big fan of Gnome, finding it annoyingly Windows like and
not power user enough, so is Xubuntu accessible with Orca? I've been
What is xubuntu?
If you want to be a good linux administrator, you really should learn the
cli instead of depending on graphical tools...
Well first of all, I'm not saying that Orca should be at all Ubuntu
specific, I just happne to be using Ubuntu and thus use their terms
being new to Linux. I never recall the desktop Xubuntu is based on,

OK, although you know orca should behave quite the same on other boxes including redhat (fedora) and debian (which I use)

Googled, and it is XFSE, which in turn uses GTK2+ like Gnome does.

Should be accessible, but I kind of doubt it... Guess it needs all the right libs and stuff, but you could try it if you wanted.

Secondly I'm not at all interested in sysadmin stuff, I'm a home user
wanting to use Linux for its apps and power user graphical tools if any,

Well, I do the same (home network user), but sometimes admin tasks need to be done: what about setting up iptables, or perhaps applying the latest securety patches? Or even installing/removing/upgrading the OS and software... How about when you want a package that is not in the repo. You must build from source... What about when you want to set up your box for ssh either server or client. What about configuring your network? Or sshing into your home router?

A lot of this can be done in the gui, but for a blind person perhaps the cli is more efficient?

not for the CLI stuff or for other more technical reasons apart from
better responsiveness and multithreading. The only moed of operation I

Well you can do scripts and stuff there and lots of other things you may prefer the cli over.
Eg. editing config files...
Up to you, but I would try it out too...
You should use a full screen console (alt+ctr+f1) if you do.

like the Cli in is programming. But I do like command languages such as

Yes, it is very good for that too.

Daniel Dalton
<d dalton iinet net au>

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