Re: [orca-list] speech dispatcher (Re: punctuation not spoken properly when reviewingbycharacter in firefox)


Tomas Cerha  wrote / napÃsal(a):
Hello, I think I already said somewhere that I believe this problem is
in the Firefox script, since it seems to speak a character using the
`speak()' command instead of `speakCharacter()' command.  I didn't have
a chance to look at it closer lately, but due to the wide interest I had
a short look into it right now and I think I tracked the problem.

thanks for the fix. I have got further question regarding character processing at all. I am not sure this is the right place but finally orca, speech-dispatcher and espeak are all concerned. Orca 2.22 makes espeak process characters when anouncing typing echo. Would the same be doable when navigating by character for the future? I know espeak is perhaps the only synth capable of such extensive character and punctuation processing but this is already relied on partially so I think it should be finalized at one point. With upcoming release of espeak 1.32 espeak is going to have better support for various accented characters.


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