[orca-list] Headingslist, and Linkslist updated, plus navigation menu

OOPS, I guess I didn't send the link ...

I'd like to hear other's thoughts on a treeview containing the headings. My
personal preference is that it causes me to do too much navigation and takes
my focus away from actually digesting the content of the headings
themselves.  I find that just getting site authors to use headings is a big
enough challenge; to actually expect that the heading levels will follow
some logic is perhaps asking too much.  I find that some people will use
heading levels for type size, for instance. Wired does it: if you look at
their homepage, they have category names wrapped in h5, then one or two
headlines under that category wrapped in h1. This makes little semantic
sense, so the only thing I can surmise is that they want the headline to
stand out more than the category name.

-- Rich

----- Original Message ----- From: "Peter Vágner" <peter v datagate sk>
To: "Rich Caloggero" <rjc mit edu>
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 4:04 AM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Headingslist, and Linkslist updated, plus navigation menu


Rich Caloggero  wrote:
Linkslist: shortcut = control+shift+l
headingslist: shortcut = control+alt+h
-- next/previous heading = control+shift+down/up

All these live at the bottom of the tools menu in the navigation submenu.
This submenu contains the headingslist and linkslsit submenus.

I was not sure what to install to get the latest versions perhaps I have overlooked some link or so. But I found this on your site and it really behaves according to these instructions:

Let me know what you think.
All is working great here on windows with NVDA. I may be able to test with Orca under linux in the following days hopefully. I have got quite interesting idea but I am not sure if this is doable. What do you think about arranging headings in a treeview. For example there are 4 headings at level 1 and each of these has some other nested headings in their sections. I am wondering the root node might just have these headings level 1 and once a node is expanded others might be listed too.

thanks for such a great piece


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