Re: [orca-list] Remote access to gnome, still looking for a solution

Michael Whapples wrote:
How possible might it be to have orca use speech-dispatcher on a
different system, set per user (eg. is there a setting which can
be altered in orca user settings to allow the IP of the
speech-dispatcher to be used, and this might mean the
individuals who use orca remotely need to always use the same machine,
or may be it could be set by a script run on login).

This is technically possible, but this is currently not configurable.  I
will add this to Speech Dispatcher python library.  If you are
interested in testing it, you can try using the attached module instead
of the module installed from the python-speechd package.  You will need
to do the following steps:


python -c 'import speechd; print speechd.__file__'

This will tell you where the speechd library is installed.  On my system
it prints "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/speechd/__init__.pyc", so
the directory is "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/speechd".

Copy the attached file to this directory (you will need root privileges)
replacing the original file of the same name.  Then set the environment
variable SPEECHD_HOST to the IP address or hostname of the machine where
Speech Dispatcher is running:

export SPEECHD_HOST=hostname

Then run orca within the same shell (terminal window) and Orca should
speak to the remote Speech Dispatcher host.  Please note, that this does
not solve the problem of running your gnome session remotely - it only
redirects the speech to another machine so I'm not sure whether it
solves your problem completely.  It may rather be a part of the solution...

Best regards, Tomas

# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Brailcom, o.p.s.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

"""Python API to Speech Dispatcher

Basic Python client API to Speech Dispatcher is provided by the 'SSIPClient'
class.  This interface maps directly to available SSIP commands and logic.

A more convenient interface is provided by the 'Speaker' class.


#TODO: Blocking variants for speak, char, key, sound_icon.

import socket, sys, os

    import threading
    import dummy_threading as threading

class CallbackType(object):
    """Constants describing the available types of callbacks"""
    INDEX_MARK = 'index_marks'
    """Index mark events are reported when the place they were
    included into the text by the client application is reached
    when speaking them"""
    BEGIN = 'begin'
    """The begin event is reported when Speech Dispatcher starts
    actually speaking the message."""
    END = 'end'
    """The end event is reported after the message has terminated and
    there is no longer any sound from it being produced"""
    CANCEL = 'cancel'
    """The cancel event is reported when a message is canceled either
    on request of the user, because of prioritization of messages or
    due to an error"""
    PAUSE = 'pause'
    """The pause event is reported after speaking of a message
    was paused. It no longer produces any audio."""
    RESUME = 'resume'
    """The resume event is reported right after speaking of a message
    was resumed after previous pause."""

class SSIPError(Exception):
    """Common base class for exceptions during SSIP communication."""
class SSIPCommunicationError(SSIPError):
    """Exception raised when trying to operate on a closed connection."""
class SSIPResponseError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, code, msg, data):
        Exception.__init__(self, "%s: %s" % (code, msg))
        self._code = code
        self._msg = msg
        self._data = data

    def code(self):
        """Return the server response error code as integer number."""
        return self._code
    def msg(self):
        """Return server response error message as string."""
        return self._msg

class SSIPCommandError(SSIPResponseError):
    """Exception raised on error response after sending command."""

    def command(self):
        """Return the command string which resulted in this error."""
        return self._data

class SSIPDataError(SSIPResponseError):
    """Exception raised on error response after sending data."""

    def data(self):
        """Return the data which resulted in this error."""
        return self._data

class _SSIP_Connection:
    """Implemantation of low level SSIP communication."""
    _NEWLINE = "\r\n"

    _CALLBACK_TYPE_MAP = {700: CallbackType.INDEX_MARK,
                          701: CallbackType.BEGIN,
                          702: CallbackType.END,
                          703: CallbackType.CANCEL,
                          704: CallbackType.PAUSE,
                          705: CallbackType.RESUME,
    def __init__(self, host, port):
        """Init connection: open the socket to server,
        initialize buffers, launch a communication handling
        self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        self._socket.connect((socket.gethostbyname(host), port))
        self._buffer = ""
        self._com_buffer = []
        self._callback = None
        self._ssip_reply_semaphore = threading.Semaphore(0)
        self._communication_thread = \
                threading.Thread(target=self._communication, kwargs={},
                                 name="SSIP client communication thread")
    def close(self):
        """Close the server connection, destroy the communication thread."""
        # Read-write shutdown here is necessary, otherwise the socket.recv()
        # function in the other thread won't return at last on some platforms.
        except socket.error:
        # Wait for the other thread to terminate
    def _communication(self):
        """Handle incomming socket communication.

        Listens for all incomming communication on the socket, dispatches
        events and puts all other replies into self._com_buffer list in the
        already parsed form as (code, msg, data).  Each time a new item is
        appended to the _com_buffer list, the corresponding semaphore
        'self._ssip_reply_semaphore' is incremented.

        This method is designed to run in a separate thread.  The thread can be
        interrupted by closing the socket on which it is listening for

        while True:
                code, msg, data = self._recv_message()
            except IOError:
                # If the socket has been closed, exit the thread
            if code/100 != 7:
                # This is not an index mark nor an event
                self._com_buffer.append((code, msg, data))
            # Ignore the event if no callback function has been registered.
            if self._callback is not None:
                type = self._CALLBACK_TYPE_MAP[code]
                if type == CallbackType.INDEX_MARK:
                    kwargs = {'index_mark': data[2]}
                    kwargs = {}
                # Get message and client ID of the event
                msg_id, client_id = map(int, data[:2])
                self._callback(msg_id, client_id, type, **kwargs)
    def _readline(self):
        """Read one whole line from the socket.

        Blocks until the line delimiter ('_NEWLINE') is read.
        pointer = self._buffer.find(self._NEWLINE)
        while pointer == -1:
                d = self._socket.recv(1024)
                raise IOError
            if len(d) == 0:
                raise IOError
            self._buffer += d
            pointer = self._buffer.find(self._NEWLINE)
        line = self._buffer[:pointer]
        self._buffer = self._buffer[pointer+len(self._NEWLINE):]
        return line

    def _recv_message(self):
        """Read server response or a callback
        and return the triplet (code, msg, data)."""
        data = []
        c = None
        while True:
            line = self._readline()
            assert len(line) >= 4, "Malformed data received from server!"
            code, sep, text = line[:3], line[3], line[4:]
            assert code.isalnum() and (c is None or code == c) and \
                   sep in ('-', ' '), "Malformed data received from server!"
            if sep == ' ':
                msg = text
                return int(code), msg, tuple(data)

    def _recv_response(self):
        """Read server response from the communication thread
        and return the triplet (code, msg, data)."""
        # TODO: This check is dumb but seems to work.  The main thread
        # hangs without it, when the Speech Dispatcher connection is lost.
        if not self._communication_thread.isAlive():
            raise SSIPCommunicationError
        # The list is sorted, read the first item
        response = self._com_buffer[0]
        del self._com_buffer[0]
        return response

    def send_command(self, command, *args):
        """Send SSIP command with given arguments and read server response.

        Arguments can be of any data type -- they are all stringified before
        being sent to the server.

        Returns a triplet (code, msg, data), where 'code' is a numeric SSIP
        response code as an integer, 'msg' is an SSIP rsponse message as string
        and 'data' is a tuple of strings (all lines of response data) when a
        response contains some data.
        'SSIPCommandError' is raised in case of non 2xx return code.  See SSIP
        documentation for more information about server responses and codes.

        'IOError' is raised when the socket was closed by the remote side.
        if __debug__:
            if command in ('SET', 'CANCEL', 'STOP',):
                assert args[0] in (Scope.SELF, Scope.ALL) \
                       or isinstance(args[0], int)
        cmd = ' '.join((command,) + tuple(map(str, args)))
            self._socket.send(cmd + self._NEWLINE)
        except socket.error:
            raise SSIPCommunicationError("Speech Dispatcher connection lost.")
        code, msg, data = self._recv_response()
        if code/100 != 2:
            raise SSIPCommandError(code, msg, cmd)
        return code, msg, data
    def send_data(self, data):
        """Send multiline data and read server response.

        Returned value is the same as for 'send_command()' method.

        'SSIPDataError' is raised in case of non 2xx return code. See SSIP
        documentation for more information about server responses and codes.
        'IOError' is raised when the socket was closed by the remote side.
        # Escape the end-of-data marker even if present at the beginning
        if data.startswith(self._END_OF_DATA_MARKER + self._NEWLINE):
            l = len(self._END_OF_DATA_MARKER)
            data = self._END_OF_DATA_MARKER_ESCAPED + data[l:]
        elif data == self._END_OF_DATA_MARKER:
            data = self._END_OF_DATA_MARKER_ESCAPED
        data = data.replace(self._END_OF_DATA, self._END_OF_DATA_ESCAPED)
            self._socket.send(data + self._END_OF_DATA)
        except socket.error:
            raise SSIPCommunicationError("Speech Dispatcher connection lost.")
        code, msg, response_data = self._recv_response()
        if code/100 != 2:
            raise SSIPDataError(code, msg, data)
        return code, msg, response_data

    def set_callback(self, callback):
        """Register a callback function for handling asynchronous events.

          callback -- a callable object (function) which will be called to
            handle asynchronous events (arguments described below).  Passing
            `None' results in removing the callback function and ignoring
            events.  Just one callback may be registered.  Attempts to register
            a second callback will result in the former callback being

        The callback function must accept three positional arguments
        ('message_id', 'client_id', 'event_type') and an optional keyword
        argument 'index_mark' (when INDEX_MARK events are turned on).

        Note, that setting the callback function doesn't turn the events on.
        The user is responsible to turn them on by sending the appropriate `SET
        NOTIFICATION' command.

        self._callback = callback

class Scope(object):
    """An enumeration of valid SSIP command scopes.

    The constants of this class should be used to specify the 'scope' argument
    for the 'Client' methods.

    SELF = 'self'
    """The command (mostly a setting) applies to current connection only."""
    ALL = 'all'
    """The command applies to all current Speech Dispatcher connections."""

class Priority(object):
    """An enumeration of valid SSIP message priorities.

    The constants of this class should be used to specify the 'priority'
    argument for the 'Client' methods.  For more information about message
    priorities and their interaction, see the SSIP documentation.
    IMPORTANT = 'important'
    TEXT = 'text'
    MESSAGE = 'message'
    NOTIFICATION = 'notification'
    PROGRESS = 'progress'

class PunctuationMode(object):
    """Constants for selecting a punctuation mode.

    The mode determines which characters should be read.

    ALL = 'all'
    """Read all punctuation characters."""
    NONE = 'none'
    """Don't read any punctuation character at all."""
    SOME = 'some'
    """Only the user-defined punctuation characters are read.

    The set of characters is specified in Speech Dispatcher configuration.


class SSIPClient(object):
    """Basic Speech Dispatcher client interface.

    This class provides a Python interface to Speech Dispatcher functionality
    over an SSIP connection.  The API maps directly to available SSIP commands.
    Each connection to Speech Dispatcher is represented by one instance of this
    Many commands take the 'scope' argument, thus it is shortly documented
    here.  It is either one of 'Scope' constants or a number of connection.  By
    specifying the connection number, you are applying the command to a
    particular connection.  This feature is only meant to be used by Speech
    Dispatcher control application, however.  More datails can be found in
    Speech Dispatcher documentation.

    """Default host for server connections."""
    """Default port number for server connections."""
    def __init__(self, name, component='default', user='unknown', host=None,
        """Initialize the instance and connect to the server.

          name -- client identification string
          component -- connection identification string.  When one client opens
            multiple connections, this can be used to identify each of them.
          user -- user identification string (user name).  When multi-user
            acces is expected, this can be used to identify their connections.
          host -- server hostname or IP address as a string.
          port -- server port as number or None.  If None, the default value is
            determined by the SPEECH_PORT attribute of this class.
        For more information on client identification strings see Speech
        Dispatcher documentation.
        if host is None:
            host = os.environ.get('SPEECHD_HOST', self.DEFAULT_SPEECHD_HOST)
        if port is None:
                port = int(os.environ.get('SPEECHD_PORT'))
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                port = self.DEFAULT_SPEECHD_PORT
        self._conn = conn = _SSIP_Connection(host, port)
        full_name = '%s:%s:%s' % (user, name, component)
        conn.send_command('SET', Scope.SELF, 'CLIENT_NAME', full_name)
        code, msg, data = conn.send_command('HISTORY', 'GET', 'CLIENT_ID')
        self._client_id = int(data[0])
        self._lock = threading.Lock()
        self._callbacks = {}
        for event in (CallbackType.INDEX_MARK,
            conn.send_command('SET', 'self', 'NOTIFICATION', event, 'on')

    def __del__(self):
        """Close the connection"""

    def _callback_handler(self, msg_id, client_id, type, **kwargs):
        if client_id != self._client_id:
            # TODO: does that ever happen?
                callback, event_types = self._callbacks[msg_id]
            except KeyError:
                if event_types is None or type in event_types:
                    callback(type, **kwargs)
                if type in (CallbackType.END, CallbackType.CANCEL):
                    del self._callbacks[msg_id]
    def set_priority(self, priority):
        """Set the priority category for the following messages.

          priority -- one of the 'Priority' constants.

        assert priority in (Priority.IMPORTANT, Priority.MESSAGE,
                            Priority.TEXT, Priority.NOTIFICATION,
                            Priority.PROGRESS), priority
        self._conn.send_command('SET', Scope.SELF, 'PRIORITY', priority)

    def speak(self, text, callback=None, event_types=None):
        """Say given message.

          text -- message text to be spoken.  This may be either a UTF-8
            encoded byte string or a Python unicode string.
          callback -- a callback handler for asynchronous event notifications.
            A callable object (function) which accepts one positional argument
            `type' and one keyword argument `index_mark'.  See below for more
          event_types -- a tuple of event types for which the callback should
            be called.  Each item must be one of `CallbackType' constants.
            None (the default value) means to handle all event types.  This
            argument is irrelevant when `callback' is not used.

        The callback function will be called whenever one of the events occurs.
        The event type will be passed as argument.  Its value is one of the
        `CallbackType' constants.  In case of an index mark event, additional
        keyword argument `index_mark' will be passed and will contain the index
        mark identifier as specified within the text.

        The callback function should not perform anything complicated and is
        not allowed to issue any further SSIP client commands.  An attempt to
        do so would lead to a deadlock in SSIP communication.

        This method is non-blocking;  it just sends the command, given
        message is queued on the server and the method returns immediately.

        if isinstance(text, unicode):
            text = text.encode('utf-8')
        result = self._conn.send_data(text)
        if callback:
            msg_id = int(result[2][0])
            # TODO: Here we risk, that the callback arrives earlier, than we
            # add the item to `self._callbacks'.  Such a situation will lead to
            # the callback being ignored.
                self._callbacks[msg_id] = (callback, event_types)
        return result

    def char(self, char):
        """Say given character.

          char -- a character to be spoken.  Either a Python unicode string or
            a UTF-8 encoded byte string.

        This method is non-blocking;  it just sends the command, given
        message is queued on the server and the method returns immediately.

        if isinstance(char, unicode):
            char = char.encode('utf-8')
        self._conn.send_command('CHAR', char.replace(' ', 'space'))
    def key(self, key):
        """Say given key name.

          key -- the key name (as defined in SSIP); string.

        This method is non-blocking;  it just sends the command, given
        message is queued on the server and the method returns immediately.

        self._conn.send_command('KEY', key)

    def sound_icon(self, sound_icon):
        """Output given sound_icon.

          sound_icon -- the name of the sound icon as defined by SSIP; string.

        This method is non-blocking; it just sends the command, given message
        is queued on the server and the method returns immediately.

        self._conn.send_command('SOUND_ICON', sound_icon)
    def cancel(self, scope=Scope.SELF):
        """Immediately stop speaking and discard messages in queues.

          scope -- see the documentaion of this class.
        self._conn.send_command('CANCEL', scope)

    def stop(self, scope=Scope.SELF):
        """Immediately stop speaking the currently spoken message.

          scope -- see the documentaion of this class.
        self._conn.send_command('STOP', scope)

    def pause(self, scope=Scope.SELF):
        """Pause speaking and postpone other messages until resume.

        This method is non-blocking.  However, speaking can continue for a
        short while even after it's called (typically to the end of the

          scope -- see the documentaion of this class.
        self._conn.send_command('PAUSE', scope)

    def resume(self, scope=Scope.SELF):
        """Resume speaking of the currently paused messages.

        This method is non-blocking.  However, speaking can continue for a
        short while even after it's called (typically to the end of the

          scope -- see the documentaion of this class.
        self._conn.send_command('RESUME', scope)

    def list_output_modules(self):
        """Return names of all active output modules as a tuple of strings."""
        code, msg, data = self._conn.send_command('LIST', 'OUTPUT_MODULES')
        return data

    def list_synthesis_voices(self):
        """Return names of all available voices for the current output module.

        Returns a tuple of tripplets (name, language, dialect).

        'name' is a string, 'language' is an ISO 639-1 Alpha-2 language code
        and 'dialect' is a string.  Language and dialect may be None.

            code, msg, data = self._conn.send_command('LIST', 'SYNTHESIS_VOICES')
        except SSIPCommandError:
            return ()
        def split(item):
            name, lang, dialect = tuple(item.rsplit(' ', 3))
            return (name, lang or None, dialect or None)
        return tuple([split(item) for item in data])

    def set_language(self, language, scope=Scope.SELF):
        """Switch to a particular language for further speech commands.

          language -- two letter language code according to RFC 1776 as string.
          scope -- see the documentaion of this class.
        assert isinstance(language, str) and len(language) == 2
        self._conn.send_command('SET', scope, 'LANGUAGE', language)

    def set_output_module(self, name, scope=Scope.SELF):
        """Switch to a particular output module.

          name -- module (string) as returned by 'list_output_modules()'.
          scope -- see the documentaion of this class.
        self._conn.send_command('SET', scope, 'OUTPUT_MODULE', name)

    def set_pitch(self, value, scope=Scope.SELF):
        """Set the pitch for further speech commands.

          value -- integer value within the range from -100 to 100, with 0
            corresponding to the default pitch of the current speech synthesis
            output module, lower values meaning lower pitch and higher values
            meaning higher pitch.
          scope -- see the documentaion of this class.
        assert isinstance(value, int) and -100 <= value <= 100, value
        self._conn.send_command('SET', scope, 'PITCH', value)

    def set_rate(self, value, scope=Scope.SELF):
        """Set the speech rate (speed) for further speech commands.

          value -- integer value within the range from -100 to 100, with 0
            corresponding to the default speech rate of the current speech
            synthesis output module, lower values meaning slower speech and
            higher values meaning faster speech.
          scope -- see the documentaion of this class.
        assert isinstance(value, int) and -100 <= value <= 100
        self._conn.send_command('SET', scope, 'RATE', value)

    def set_volume(self, value, scope=Scope.SELF):
        """Set the speech volume for further speech commands.

          value -- integer value within the range from -100 to 100, with 100
            corresponding to the default speech volume of the current speech
            synthesis output module, lower values meaning softer speech.
          scope -- see the documentaion of this class.
        assert isinstance(value, int) and -100 <= value <= 100
        self._conn.send_command('SET', scope, 'VOLUME', value)

    def set_punctuation(self, value, scope=Scope.SELF):
        """Set the punctuation pronounciation level.

          value -- one of the 'PunctuationMode' constants.
          scope -- see the documentaion of this class.
        assert value in (PunctuationMode.ALL, PunctuationMode.SOME,
                         PunctuationMode.NONE), value
        self._conn.send_command('SET', scope, 'PUNCTUATION', value)

    def set_spelling(self, value, scope=Scope.SELF):
        """Toogle the spelling mode or on off.

          value -- if 'True', all incomming messages will be spelled
            instead of being read as normal words. 'False' switches
            this behavior off.
          scope -- see the documentaion of this class.
        assert value in [True, False]
        if value == True:
            self._conn.send_command('SET', scope, 'SPELLING', "on")
            self._conn.send_command('SET', scope, 'SPELLING', "off")

    def set_cap_let_recogn(self, value, scope=Scope.SELF):
        """Set capital letter recognition mode.

          value -- one of 'none', 'spell', 'icon'. None means no signalization
            of capital letters, 'spell' means capital letters will be spelled
            with a syntetic voice and 'icon' means that the capital-letter icon
            will be prepended before each capital letter.
          scope -- see the documentaion of this class.
        assert value in ("none", "spell", "icon")
        self._conn.send_command('SET', scope, 'CAP_LET_RECOGN', value)

    def set_voice(self, value, scope=Scope.SELF):
        """Set voice by a symbolic name.

          value -- one of the SSIP symbolic voice names: 'MALE1' .. 'MALE3',
            'FEMALE1' ... 'FEMALE3', 'CHILD_MALE', 'CHILD_FEMALE'
          scope -- see the documentaion of this class.

        Symbolic voice names are mapped to real synthesizer voices in the
        configuration of the output module.  Use the method
        'set_synthesis_voice()' if you want to work with real voices.
        assert isinstance(value, str) and \
               value.lower() in ("male1", "male2", "male3", "female1",
                                 "female2", "female3", "child_male",
        self._conn.send_command('SET', scope, 'VOICE', value)

    def set_synthesis_voice(self, value, scope=Scope.SELF):
        """Set voice by its real name.

          value -- voice name as returned by 'list_synthesis_voices()'
          scope -- see the documentaion of this class.
        self._conn.send_command('SET', scope, 'SYNTHESIS_VOICE', value)
    def set_pause_context(self, value, scope=Scope.SELF):
        """Set the amount of context when resuming a paused message.

          value -- a positive or negative value meaning how many chunks of data
            after or before the pause should be read when resume() is executed.
          scope -- see the documentaion of this class.
        assert isinstance(value, int)
        self._conn.send_command('SET', scope, 'PAUSE_CONTEXT', value)

    def block_begin(self):
        """Begin an SSIP block.

        See SSIP documentation for more details about blocks.

        self._conn.send_command('BLOCK', 'BEGIN')

    def block_end(self):
        """Close an SSIP block.

        See SSIP documentation for more details about blocks.

        self._conn.send_command('BLOCK', 'END')

    def close(self):
        """Close the connection to Speech Dispatcher."""
        if hasattr(self, '_conn'):

class Client(SSIPClient):
    """A DEPRECATED backwards-compatible API.

    This Class is provided only for backwards compatibility with the prevoius
    unofficial API.  It will be removed in future versions.  Please use either
    'SSIPClient' or 'Speaker' interface instead.  As deprecated, the API is no
    longer documented.

    def __init__(self, name=None, client=None, **kwargs):
        name = name or client or 'python'
        super(Client, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)
    def say(self, text, priority=Priority.MESSAGE):

    def char(self, char, priority=Priority.TEXT):
        super(Client, self).char(char)

    def key(self, key, priority=Priority.TEXT):
        super(Client, self).key(key)

    def sound_icon(self, sound_icon, priority=Priority.TEXT):
        super(Client, self).sound_icon(sound_icon)

class Speaker(SSIPClient):
    """Extended Speech Dispatcher Interface.

    This class provides an extended intercace to Speech Dispatcher
    functionality and tries to hide most of the lower level details of SSIP
    (such as a more sophisticated handling of blocks and priorities and
    advanced event notifications) under a more convenient API.
    Please note that the API is not yet stabilized and thus is subject to
    change!  Please contact the authors if you plan using it and/or if you have
    any suggestions.

    Well, in fact this class is currently not implemented at all.  It is just a
    draft.  The intention is to hide the SSIP details and provide a generic
    interface practical for screen readers.

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