Re: [orca-list] More on Firefox

On Tue, 22 Jan 2008, Steve Holmes wrote:
Hi Steve,

It should be OK to build the trunk at-spi on gnome 2.20. You may need to
configure libexecdir to the right place to install at-spi-registryd. On
Ubuntu, it is /usr/lib/at-spi.

Parden the ignorance here, but why would that variable change or need
to be changed? I'm on a Slackware 12 box but wouldn't the variable

I think it is a variable in the script when building...
Not sure why you can't just install over the top of the old orca...

remain the same as present? I guess I need to look at my environment
to see if I can figure this out for sure.  I was debating if I should
install the trunk stuff in /usr/local/... and hope that it would take
precidence or if I should just install over the top of what's there

Well to be sure:
echo $path
Which ever dir comes first has priority.
You can probably change that in /etc/profile with out breaking to much.
(Do you know where the current installed orca is located?)

Daniel Dalton
d dalton iinet net au

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