Re: [orca-list] Using Orca with Braille only

Hi Sébastien:

I assume it is important that all the components needed by orca (orca
itself, BrlAPI bindings, at-spi) need to use the same version of Python.
Is this assumption correct ? If it is, is there a command-line based way
to check that all the components actually use the same version of
Python ?

Mixing versions of Python has always proved problematic for me. The way I check to see where things are is just to look in the site-packages directories of the various Python directories (e.g., /usr/lib/python2.4). In addition, I also look under /usr/local/lib just in case I didn't do a "--prefix=/usr" when installing something.

One last question regarding Gnome. Is Gnome version 2.22 required with
orca trunk, or is orca trunk supporting both Gnome 2.20 and 2.22 ?

Orca trunk is for GNOME 2.22. We do, however, develop with trunk on GNOME 2.20 systems quite a bit. To do so requires grabbing other dependencies from trunk, since they contain bug fixes and enhancements needed by Orca. I believe at-spi is probably the only one you need to grab from trunk, but I always grab/build these: at-spi, atk, gail, gnome-speech, gnome-magnifier, orca, accerciser.

Hope this helps,


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