Re: [orca-list] problems with latest Orca and Firefox3

I needed a sanity break from the day job. I'll leave it to y'all to
interpret whether that means I'm taking a break to preserve my sanity,
or that my sanity and I have had a parting of the ways. <smile>
Regardless.... Jon, I have filed a bug for your report here:

I also added you to the CC list so that you'll get updates -- from which
you should know that I also attached a patch for you to test. <smile>

Thanks again!  Take care.

On Mon, 2008-01-14 at 14:10 +0000, Jon wrote:
Hi Joanie,

Excellent work!

I've applied the patch to rev 3455, and all seems good.
One little bug though, which is when arriving at top of page, pressing 
up arrow again cycles down to the bottom of page.

When at bottom of page, pressing down arrow again doesnt cycle up to the 

I assume the cycling is not ment to be there?

Thank you

On Fri 11/01/2008 at 20:45:41, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hi all.

A patch for the "not reading everything on the Minefield start page"
issue has been checked into trunk.  A performance patch which also
addresses repeating lines because we're getting hung up on various and
sundry embedded object characters can be found here:

I am hoping to check it in before too long as well.  But it's a pretty
significant change to how we do things.  And while change is ultimately
good, it also tends to be kinda scary. However, that patch has been my
focus for the past week and I *think* it's to the point where it's safe
to try.... <smile>

As for the interesting hierarchy I pointed out with respect to the
original problem site:  We're currently not quite presenting that top
section in the order it appears.  It should not be too hard to detect
the fact that the list items appear in the reverse order of their
hierarchical position.  It shouldn't be much more work to detect the
fact that the list appears below something which comes after it in the
hierarchy.  The trick is getting our navigation to reflect that. <smile>
Since the content is now presented, and the presentation *pretty close*
to how it's displayed, I'd rather continue to focus on performance and
actual bugs for the time being.

Thanks for all the feedback guys!!

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