Re: [orca-list] copying text in a terminal to a file

Hi Michael:

You can accomplish this in many ways. One of my favorites is just redirecting the output to a file. For example, assume 'some_app' is the command you are running. The following will redirect all output of the command the file 'out.txt' (you can also look at the 'tee' command to allow you to get the output sent both to a file and to the terminal):

some_app > out.txt 2>&1

Another favorite is to use the 'script' command. You first type 'script', then you run your application. When your application is done running, you press Ctrl+D to exit the script session. When you do that, a file named 'typescript' is created that contains all the output.

Hope this helps,


michael weaver wrote:
if i am still having poblems as regards things like errors
running speech-dispatcher, how do i copy text from a terminal
into a file?
i know when i last looked at doing something like this as i was
doing a very painfully slow way of trying to copy out error
messages before, i did ask on one of the combuntu lists if there
was a way of doing it but i was told on this list that it could
only be done visually.
i don't think you can do controla a to select the text and go to
edit menu and do a control c to copy the text.  i don't know if
the menus have changed in gutsy to enable a speech user to do
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