Re: [orca-list] screenreader for ubuntu's console.

Yes, I was referring to acclogin. Thanks. I forgot the name of the
program. It would seem that once acclogin works it should be a fairly
simple matter to adapt YASR to run in the background instead of as a
subshell. Mike Gorse originally put me onto this nice little program,
but as I recall, there was a utmp function or something that caused it
to ftbfs on Linux, and I unfortunately don't know enough about the
differences in Unix-like OS's to fix it here. I have been advocating for
some time for something like YASR to run entirely in the background,
system-wide as a userspace only process, I unfortunately just haven't
gained the skill necessary to adapt YASR, which seems to be by far the
best  for the job. Looks like if we get acclogin working, we could be
well on our way, since if I recall correctly it reads the vcsa file
necessary to always read the current console in the background. The next
step would then be to eliminate the subshell code or make it a command
line option or configuration option for systems where it's necessary or
wanted and add code to YASR that will read this device file, or maybe
integrate the acclogin code somehow. We should probably have some sort
of conference with Mike Gorse regarding implementation, since we don't
want to completely hack up his app, but as I recall, he is aggreeable to
having these changes made if someone knows how to implement them. It
would also be nice to have other help from the community as well if in
fact Mike is aggreeable.

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