[orca-list] screenreader for ubuntu's console.


You can use either emacspeak or yasr.

Emacspeak is a speech interface to emacspeak and yasr is a consol screen reader similar in some ways to 
speakup but it runs as a user process rather than as part of the kernel.

Oh and there is speechd.el which is another speech interface to emacs,
more of a screen reader for emacs in terms of it's aproach as far as I
understand but I don't have much experience with it.

I suggest you do some reading on the web about these three options and then try them out.



Kamil Midzio writes:
could you tell me how can i read tekst from ubuntu console?
Which screenreader should i use and where I can download it?
I heard about speakup.... but it is dificult to download i think.

and another question: what kind of mailer and internet browser can i
use in console?

Regards from Kamil.

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