Re: [orca-list] orca virtual window suggestion

I am still most in favour of using the real clipboard wherever possible.

ïOkie dokie, real clipboard it is. <smile>

There are now two patches attached to the flat review copy RFE:

The first is the one I described.  The second gives you two keybindings:
One to copy the contents under flat review to the real clipboard and one
to append the contents under flat review to the text that's in the real
clipboard.  Note that if you have non-text in the clipboard (e.g. an
icon that you had copied for the purpose of placing it in another
folder) and use append, that object will be converted to text (e.g. the
path of the file represented by the icon).

Important:  All the warnings about the need to remove the keybindings
before going back to "normal" still apply.  Also the patches are
independent of one another.  If you want to try each to get a feel for
the differences, undo one completely before applying the other.

As I mentioned in an earlier post in this thread, the ability to copy
text from ordinarily uncopiable windows could actually be a very good
thing for non-orca users, especially those who wish to test unstable
software and report bugs.

Lorenzo, I agree with you 100%.  I've manually retyped the contents of
such dialogs for bug reports before, and I'll undoubtedly do it again.


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