Re: [orca-list] Have any keyboard command jump the next unread message in Thunderbird?

Hi Attila:

If I using Thunderbird in Windows and press n letter, Thunderbird jump
next unread message if I still a message list.
Have any keystroke do this with Thunderbird3 linux version? N keystroke
not work.
Sorry this question, but I forget if have keystroke do this function.

I just checked and the 'N' shortcut exists in Thunderbird 3 and it works well for me. Is it possible you might have keyboard focus on something else besides the message list when you press 'N'?

Another problem:
My blind friend tell me the following problem:
When he writing a message and press left arrow with message text, the
cursor jumps two lines up. I not tryed this problem yet. Anybody confirm
this problem?

This might be some odd interaction with Thunderbird and Orca's caret navigation scheme for Gecko, though I'm not sure why this would be the case. You can toggle between the Orca and Gecko navigation schemes by pressing Orca+F12 -- try doing this and seeing if the problem goes away.

Hope this helps,


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