Re: [orca-list] Help with fileplease

Neat! Regarding your question about how to get the output of a bash command, I did a Google search for "python output shell command" and came across this link:

Hope this helps!


Daniel Dalton wrote:
I just realised: I had two functions with the same name. I've fixed that,
I'm just not sure how to assign the output of a bash command to a
variable in python? Any ideas?
I can get it to say hello world though... Kinda pointless I know.
So if anyone knows how I can assign the output of a shell command to the
message variable I would appreciate it.

Thanks very much


On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 03:47:29PM +1100, Daniel Dalton wrote:

I'm not a python programmer, but I've written a shell script to get the
weather for my home town... Anyway its a shell script and I need to run
it with the command:
Anyway, I've tried to link it in to a python script so I can press
insert W and orca will say the weather, but it's not working... As I
said I'm not a programmer, but can someone who knows a little python
please let me know how to fix it? I've attached my file...

Thanks in advance,


# setup custom key bindings.
import orca.input_event
import orca.keybindings
import orca.orca
import orca.speech
import orca.braille
import re

# define keybindings object
myKeyBindings = orca.keybindings.KeyBindings()

# define script for handling dates
def sayDate(script, inputEvent=None):
 import time
 message = time.strftime("%A, %d %B %Y", time.localtime())
 return True

sayDateHandler = orca.input_event.InputEventHandler(sayDate, "presents the date.")

# assign orca key + d to our date function
myKeyBindings.add(orca.keybindings.KeyBinding("d", 1 << orca.settings.MODIFIER_ORCA, 1 << 
orca.settings.MODIFIER_ORCA, sayDateHandler))

# define script for handling time
def sayTime(script, inputEvent=None):
 import time
 message = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
 return True

sayTimeHandler = orca.input_event.InputEventHandler(sayTime, "presents the time.")

# assign orca key + t to our time script
myKeyBindings.add(orca.keybindings.KeyBinding("t", 1 << orca.settings.MODIFIER_ORCA, 1 << 
orca.settings.MODIFIER_ORCA, sayTimeHandler))

# define script for handling time
def sayTime(script, inputEvent=None):
 import os
 message = os.system("")
 return True

sayWeatherHandler = orca.input_event.InputEventHandler(sayWeather, "presents the weather.")

# assign orca key + t to our time script
myKeyBindings.add(orca.keybindings.KeyBinding("w", 1 << orca.settings.MODIFIER_ORCA, 1 << 
orca.settings.MODIFIER_ORCA, sayWeatherHandler))

# add our new keybindings to orca
orca.settings.keyBindingsMap["default"] = myKeyBindings

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