Re: [orca-list] access in text consoles

Hash: RIPEMD160

On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 07:55:01AM +1000, Daniel Dalton wrote:
Why not consider using my linux 2.6.23 kernel patched with speakup?
Its a little out of date, but not too bad.
Its a .deb file...

One bad thing about using someone's privately built kernel is it may
have hardware specific configurations that may not work on my or
someone else's machine.  If you stuck pretty much to the distro specs
it would work but when I compile my kernels for example, I tend to
tweak them down to specifically my own box to keep it as lean as
possible; It would hardly be feasable to share it with anyone.  What I
would rather make available is a simplified script or fully automated
process to build speak and patch it into the kernel but again, the end
user either has to compile the kernel with distro specs along with the
speakup mods or start learning about the innerds of his or her
computer and start learning about compiling kernels.  that isn't all
that hard really but still for a newbe, it is daunting to say the least.
- -- 
HolmesGrown Solutions
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