Re: [orca-list] access in text consoles

On Fri, 25 Apr 2008, Hermann wrote:

To be more precise: The Gnome terminal, a console withing Gnome, is

Well its a terminal in gnome not a text-console. I thought the first question was related to text-mode?

completely accessible with Orca. But besides this terminal, there are six

Well yes, it is pretty accessible the actual console, but more programs will work with speakup or brltty.

more terminals, that are completely text based. For them you need a screen

You could add more if you wanted as well...

reader, and Hardy comes with brltty, which, however, requires a braille

of course

Unfortunately there's no Speakup on Ubuntu since one year, so that one has
to install a screen reader, such as yasr, to use the text console with
speech only.

Why not consider using my linux 2.6.23 kernel patched with speakup?
Its a little out of date, but not too bad.
Its a .deb file...

Daniel Dalton
<d dalton iinet net au>

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