Re: [orca-list] Table headers and coordinates in braille

Hermann <meinelisten onlinehome de> writes:

am Do 10. Apr 2008 um 15:02:52 schrieb Jason White <jason jasonjgw net>:
Mapping the table navigation commands to BRLTTY commands would also be
possible, so that the keyboard wouldn't need to be used.

Is this possible in Orca? As far as I've understood Orca's braille concept 
it follows the brltty commands, so there are no unique braille comands 
from inside Orca.

Well, the reality is that brltty offers much more commands, most
of them are not mapped in Orca yet.  This would need a major
overhaul IMO.  I've once worked on this, but got distracted by
the confusion in the code that the 3.7.2 backwards compatibility
adds.  Will, how is your current opinion on keeping the 3.7.2 hack in
orca 2.23?

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