Re: [orca-list] punctuation pronunciation and pauses

am Mi 02. Apr 2008 um 10:10:28 schrieb Willie Walker <William Walker Sun COM>:
I just cut/paste your exact lines into my ~/.orca/ file  
and they worked.  I also put them in a ~/.orca/  
file and they worked as well.  I'm not sure what is going wrong.

Can it be a problem with localization?

Keep in mind that these are only for speaking characters -- they will  
not be used for speaking words.

That's what I want to do: As in English, there are several German words for the '"' character:
quotation mark = anführungszeichen
quote = zitat
The first is the usual one, the second is what I prefer, because it's shorter.
The "@" has a strange German word (klammeraffe), of which I have no idea to translate to English. It's seldom 
used in 
Germany, we use the English term "at", and that's what I want Orca to say; I wrote that phonetically.
I've tried this by using the dictionary, but, as I reported earlier, this completely crashes Orca.
Any ideas?

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