Re: [orca-list] Getting Orca Past the Configuration

The dialog for Preference and Quit always sits on your desktop, so far as I know.  The first time I ran Orca it displayed the whole of the Preference dialog to start with, and then on subsequent runs it only displayed the Preference/Quit dialog.  It seems to be rather like the Jaws or Window-Eyes windows before we could send them away into the system tray.

Josh de Lioncourt other mail provider is an owl...

On Sep 7, 2007, at 4:18 PM, Christopher Gray wrote:


After logging on in full screen mode, I press alt+f2 and enter orca as 
instructed.  I then get in sppeech and braille a dialog inviting me to enter 
Preferences or Quit.  After choosing Preferences, I fill out various things and 
it all looks just great.  Speech and braille are nicely laid out.  I press Ok 
then tab to and press Quit.

The problem is that every time I enter the Orca command, I get the 
preferences/quit dialog.  The instructions seem to indicate that after the first 
time, I should just get into Gnome/Orca with no preferences.  Is a file not 
being saved somewhere for Orca to see or what else might be a problem?



Christopher Gray, President
Bay Area Digital

Promoting good health with great technology

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