Re: [orca-list] noticed glitches in sound with orca on gutsy.

krishnakant Mane napsal(a):
I have tried installing speech-dispatcher and now orca does not speek.
sd got installed and now the problem is that firstly spd-say does not
give me any output.

Hello, that's probably your problem.  I'd suggest removing
python-speechd until you get spd-say to work.  This will prevent Orca
from trying to use your probably wrongly configured Speech Dispatcher.

To get spd-say to work, you should check which output modules you have
configured and whether they work.  Please see your speechd.conf and your
log files in /var/log/speech-dispatcher.  It might be a better idea to
install Speech Dispatcher from a package, since installing from source
involves a bit of hacking...  The package will also provide an automatic
startup script, which you need anyway.

Hope it helps, Tomas.

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