Re: [orca-list] Sight Village Project


Just a few comments to this thread--top posted this time ...

For embossing braille Dr. Chuck Hallenbeck's Turbo Braille is available for Linux:

Chuck is retired these days, but still active coding applications he's
interested in. He may be interested in converting odt to braille,
perhaps someone should ask. Certainly, it would be good to have a foss
tool to do this, and it would be possible, I think, to add a "Save As
Braille" option to the Open Office toolbar.

Having said this, I think it important to note that doing the job right
is not a trivial task. There are the issues, already mentioned by some,
of different languages and different specialized markups (Osuch as

As for  nfbtrans, I'm unaware that anyone has maintained this package in
the past decade. I no longer have a copy and would need to search it out
on the net.

For the task of installation, one would use brltty. This application is
actively maintained, robust, and reliable. It will provide console
interface, as well as gui via Orca.


Ian Pascoe writes:
Hi all

In conjunction with the UK Ubuntu Loco Team, we are proposing to have a
stand at this exhibition next year.


There is a lot of preparatory work that needs to be covered off.  In
particular are the construction of the "How To" guides.  To this end I have
two immiediate questions:

A.  Is anyone aware of a convertor that exists to convert documentation
produced by Open Office that will enable it to be printed on a brail printer
with level 1, non conctatenated, brail support?

I am using the Ubuntu Accessability and Orca content pages to provide my
background for these documents, and although obvious can I check that:

B.  To set up a brail display from either a Live CD or current Ubuntu
installation, the display needs to be attached during the setup process?

In addition, if there are any centralised content owners for these two
sites, and to avoid traffic on the list, would they mind contacting me
directly off line?  This is to ensure that we have a two way communication
to cover off any potential ambiguity and to advise on the content of the
final documents  produced.

I hope to share these guides with the community prior to the event to ensure
that there are no blufers, and then have them hosted for use by the
community as a whole.

Many thanks


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Janina Sajka,   Phone:  +1.202.595.7777;        sip:janina a11y org
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC      http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada
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Chair, Open Accessibility       janina a11y org 
Linux Foundation      

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